Championship Leadership 24 HR

A Leadership Course Taught Through The 
Pressure And Stressors Of Physical Evolutions

 Watch The Video...
Franklin, TN CL24
April 4-5
Total growth and transformation await you. This event will dramatically increase your ability to lead, communicate, and handle anything and everything life throws your way. It is specifically designed to push you past your current capacity and on to new levels of performance, clarity, and purpose in every area of your life. Join us!
The 24-Hour Experience
 What You'll Get Out Of The Event
Develop Championship Leadership Skills
The Power To Lead Under Stress & Pressure Will Change Your Life Forever
Life is leadership. 

In business, in families, in communities... Your ability to create the results you want and make an impact in your world is directly tied to your ability to lead under pressure. 

As an entrepreneur, employer, manager, trainer, or parent... you need the capacity to lead under pressure. To communicate when the outcome is in the balance and time is of the essence. Almost anyone can lead when things are calm. Championship leaders step and take control amid the storm of life and lead their team, their people, their family safely through. 

This event will give you several experiences and opportunities to step up your game as a natural and powerful leader in a way that no seminar, course or information ever could.
Forge Mental Toughness
Most People Quit When It Gets Hard. Champions Know That's The Time To Rise.
To be great, you have to be strong... especially in your mind.

More dreams are killed by the decision to quit than by any other set of outside factors. Champions win because they know how to control their mind and step up their game when everyone else begins to fade. 

During the 24-hour challenge, we will show you how to control your mind, stay present, and focus on the task at hand. These real-world experiences will then translate into mental toughness in your daily life as you deal with opposition, conflict, crisis, chaos, and criticism. 

We will help you get your mind toughened up for all of life's battles.
As the Creator and Founder of this World Class Leadership Experience, I could sit here and preach to you all day about how amazing and life changing this experience is.

However, usually the testimonials of those who have actually paid for, traveled to, taken time away from those that matters most, and had the courage to show up for this experience words and weight goes much further!

The picture to the left is of a Tattoo that Michele Perez, grad Class 2, just got to forever remember the lessons and experience she had at Championship Leadership 24.

So, don't take my word for it, take Michele's!!
Increase Physical Capacity
Your Body Is An Amazing Machine. We'll Show You What It's Really Capable Of.
Your body is your tool do work, your weapon to fight the fight, your temple to house your mind and spirit. Once you learn to control your body and use it to its full capacity, brand new levels of awareness and performance will open up to you in every other area of life as well - finances, relationships, and spiritual alignment, and more. 

Navy Seals are famous for pushing the human body 20Xs what most people believe to be possible. We won't push you that hard, but we will push you. 

We are experts at individualizing every evolution to accommodate and to push every person safely, but firmly beyond their current level of performance in their physical body. Get ready to work, to push, and to feel exhilaration unlike anything you've ever felt before.
Create Lifelong Friends
An Event This Transformational Will Create Deep Relationships From The Group
This is not a seminar. It's an experience. You will go through this with others in the group that will quickly become close friends. The event quickly breaks down social barriers. 

Physical stress will quickly move you past your normal defenses and facade and have you showing up real and open. In this state, you will quickly create connections and deep appreciation for others and you will share in the experience of real transformation and growth.  

Many of my greatest friends are those I've met while doing an endurance event together. It will be the same for you and your group as you come together as one. 
Spots for this event are extremely limited.
Grab your ticket now before they're gone.

Coach Nate Bailey

Coach Nate is also known as "LT. Bailey" due to his commitment to serving our country in the United States Army. As a Platoon Leader during the Operation Iraqi Freedom, Nate was charged with the safety and leadership of 40+ soldiers as they served our country in Kuwait. 

Nate has a simple philosophy on life - "live you what you teach." This motto truly makes Nate a "one-in-a-million" coach and implementer. Nate sees what needs to be done and he does it. He pushes his teams to the max and he makes sure he's always leading from the front by pushing himself one step beyond. 

Coach Floyd McLendon Jr.

Floyd is a 25 year veteran of the United States Navy and a former Navy SEAL - the most elite fighting group on the planet. He applied for Navy SEAL BUD/S training (the world's most demanding qualifying school) when he didn't even know how to swim. 
Floyd rang the bell three times, quitting during his first attempt at BUD/S. It was due to an internal illness. 15 months later, he returned to BUD/S and graduated with Class 254. 
Since then, Floyd has served his country in the most Godforsaken war zones on the planet and dedicated his life in service to our great country, defending us from enemies foreign and domestic. 

Event FAQ's...
 What are the dates of the 24 Hour Event?
April 4-5 Franklin, TN (0700-0700) Hilton Garden Inn Franklin

 Are there Physical Standards for CL24?
The PST Standards are as Follows:
Push Ups (50 men, 40 women)
Sit Ups (50 men, 40 women)
1 mile Run (9.5 min)
4 mile Ruck 30# (64 min)

Coaches reserve right to drop you from this experience at any moment bases on performance and/or medical concerns or reasons.  The Coaches and medical staff on duty have the final word based on their judgement for the safety of all involved.

You will not 100% be dropped if you fail part or all of the PST, however, if it is clear that you havent prepared and may be a risk to yourself and others inside this experience, the coaches and medics on staff will drop you from this experience if they see fit to do so.

 What Is Included In The Price Of This Event?
You will be provided with hydration, food and kickass training during your 24 hour event.
Upon completion you’ll receive:
Coveted "Championship Leadership 24 Hr" Belt Buckle
Finisher T-Shirt
You can not buy these items.
 What Is The VENUE For The Event?
Exact corrdinates to event location will be issued week before the event.
 Can I Get Vegetarian Meals Or A Specific Menu At My 24Hr?
 Can I Wear Glasses Or Contact Lenses?
Yes, but we will not be responsible for lost or damaged personal property..
 Can I Attend With An Injury?
Please refer to our section on medical conditions..
 Are Spectators Permitted?
Spectators are allowed for the last hour of the experience from 0600-0700 on Sunday of the event.
 Transportation & Accomodations?
Attendees are responsible for securing their own transportation to and from the event. You will be elated, but exhausted at the end of your 24Hr so we ask that you do not drive.
We will provide a list of recommended accommodations when you complete your registration.
 Medical Conditions?
All medical concerns, conditions, prescritpions as well as any injuries need to be fully disclosed on the event health assessment application.
Any prescription/medication must be given to event medics at the beginning of your event.
Any heart condition is a disqualifier.
 I'm trying to book my travel. What times do I need to know about?
Event begins on a Saturday at 0700 and ends on a Sunday at 0700.
 Do You Have Discounts For Groups?
All ticket purchases are for single tickets. You are welcome to purchase a second ticket for your spouse or anyone else you want to attend. If you want to bring 3 or more people, email Nate Bailey, for group discount options. 
 Can I Take Videos Or Pictures During This Event?
We do not allow cameras or video taken by the participant at our events.
 How Do I Earn the Coveted CL24 Belt Buckle?
1. Pass Successfully the Physical Standards Test
Push Ups (50 men, 40 women)
Sit Ups (50)
1 mile Run (9.5 min)
4 mile Ruck 30# (64 min)

2. Receive Go on 1 Leadership Assessment within CL24

3. Complete successfully the CL24 experience.
 What Is The Age Limit for Attendees?
The age limit is 17. If you are under 18 it requires parental consent. Please reach out to if you are under 18 and want to attend.
 What Gear Is Required?
2 pair black pants/1 belt (black) -
1 Pair black workout shorts
1 pair of “broken in” boots or trail shoes/4 pair socks/1 pair running shoes
2 White Cotton crew neck t-shirt LAST NAME stenciled in BLACK lettering on front and back (5 inches below top of neck collar and centered on shirt)
1 pair black Mechanix style gloves
1 Black cold weather hat
1 Min. 1.5 Liter Water Bladder with Hose (3L preferred) - 
(Water Bottles will work as well, but not preferred)
1 ruck (backpack) capable of carrying up to 30lbs

Secondary (Highly Recommended)
Salt Tabs
30lb. Ruck Plate if you have one - Do NOT buy one just for this event (Sandbags provided)
1 Black Bucket Hat
1 Waterproof Pocket Notebook & Pen
Nutrition - Bars, fruit, protein powder (Absolutely NO energy supplements, guus, bars, chewies)
1 - 3 Liter Water Bladder with Hose
Clothes to change into after event
1 pair Sandals
1 Pack Dude/Baby Wipes
Duffelbag to hold any additional items that you have with you for event

 What Not To Bring?
Any possession or consumption of supplements is strictly forbidden and will be confiscated and not returned.
 What If I Become Injured Or Can Not Make It The Day I Have Registered For The Event?
Unexpected things come up in life. We understand that so we try our best to accommodate date and/or time transfers, whenever possible. You can reschedule your event up to 48 hours prior by paying a fee.
 Who Can I Contact If Need Help Or Have More Questions?
Please email us at
Copyright 2020 Nate Bailey
All rights reserved